
Wednesday, June 22, 2005

HRC membership numbers subject to creative accounting

HRC membership numbers subject to creative accounting The HRC claims to have a membership of 650,000 people. That's 600,000 plus more than any other LGBT rights players. Washington Blade editor Mubarak Dahir points out, "All of this makes HRCs number look pretty impressive. Until you know how the group counts its 'members.'" They use an amazingly creative accounting process, and while Queer Day would imagine they're counting just those individual members paying, y'know, the $35 annual membership dues, this isn't the case at all. HRC Spokesperson Steven Fisher, pictured, said that once someone gives or pays $1 or more to HRC and provides a name and address, theyre counted as a member for life.�
[Date: 21-Jun-05 ]

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