
Friday, February 18, 2005

Washington state legislation confronts gay rights, benefits and unions

Washington state voters would be asked to amend the state constitution to outlaw same-sex unions, and governments would be barred from providing benefits to gay couples, under measures proposed in the state Senate. At least one of two resolutions now before the Legislature seeks to nullify Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels' year-old executive order recognizing gay marriages from other states and void domestic-partner benefits some public employers, including the state, King County and Seattle, now offer their workers. Meanwhile, Washington's House passed a gay civil rights bill for the third year in a row, and once again it will move on to face an uncertain future in the state Senate. The bill that would ban discrimination against gays and lesbians in jobs, housing and insurance was first introduced 29 years ago. The House has passed this bill five times before, but it's been killed in the Senate by both Democrats and Republicans. Governor Christine Gregoire said she hopes the Senate passes the bill and she will sign it into law if it gets to her. [Date: 14-Feb-05 ]

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